Login to Diagmed system

Padlock Single examination access
Enter valid access code
Padlock Referring doctor login
Enter valid username
Access to the service is limited only to clients of the NZOZ Diagmed and requires providing a username and password. If you are an authorized entity and do not have a username and/or password, please contact the administration of NZOZ Patomorfolog at (54) 288 04 06 or send an email to contact@diagmedlipno.pl. To complete the registration, please provide the user's first and last name, as well as the name of the healthcare institution or medical practice. Attention! If you are not authorized to use the NZOZ Diagmed test recording system, please exit this page! Any attempts of unauthorized access to data, circumventing security systems, or impersonating others will be immediately reported to the police! This connection to our server is encrypted and secure, with an SSL certificate issued by GlobalSign.

System administrator:
Niepubliczny Zakład Opieki Zdrowotnej Diagmed
ul. Nieszawska 6, 87-600 Lipno
tel. (54) 288 04 06